Notice Title

Amending a Notice 2023 - Physiotherapy Board (Fees) Notice 2018

Publication Date
1 Feb 2023


Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act Fees Physiotherapy Board

Notice Number

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Pursuant to section 132(1) of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (“Act”), the Physiotherapy Board (“Board”) amends the fees and disciplinary levy prescribed by the Board pursuant to section 131 of the Act.

This notice amends with effect from the respective dates specified below the levy payable to the Board in the Schedule to the notice titled Physiotherapy Board (Fees) Notice 2018 published in the New Zealand Gazette, 15 January 2018, Notice No. 2018-gs138, as amended by notices in the New Zealand Gazette, 3 March 2020, Notice No. 2020-gs931, New Zealand Gazette, 20 April 2021, Notice No. 2021-gs1478 and New Zealand Gazette, 15 December 2021, Notice No. 2021-gs5390 as follows:

1. Amendment to Disciplinary Levy

With respect to the practising year commencing 1 April 2023 and all subsequent practising years:

  • amend the wording under the heading “Levy payable to the Physiotherapy Board” to reduce the disciplinary levy imposed under section 131 of the Act (payable annually) from $70.00 to $55.20.

For the avoidance of doubt, the total amounts payable to the Board for the issue of an APC, inclusive of the disciplinary levy, as described in the Physiotherapy Board (Fees) Notice 2018 (as amended) are not amended, and the fees payable to the Board for the issue of an APC are increased accordingly.

Dated at Wellington this 24th day of January 2023.

JAMES DUNNE, Registrar, Physiotherapy Board.