
Notice Submissions

All rates are GST inclusive. 


$0.77 per word to a maximum of 5,000 words.

Notices above 5,000 words incur a $3,400 fixed fee which covers 5 hours processing time. An hourly rate of $140 per hour is charged for processing time over 5 hours.


$50 per image

Urgent fee*

20% surcharge

Cancellation fee


*Urgent notices may be accepted at the discretion of the Gazette Office.

An invoice will be sent within a week of publication.

Payment terms

Payment is required by the 20th day of the following month.

Payment can be made by online banking or direct debit. Please send a remittance advice to accountsreceivable@dia.govt.nz to ensure payment has been recorded.

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Swift Code = WPACNZ2W

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An annual subscription includes all published notices. A collation of notices is distributed to subscribers every Monday.

All subscriptions are per year and prices are inclusive of GST.



Weekly collations (GAZM)


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How to subscribe

To subscribe please contact the New Zealand Gazette Office.

Please note that all published Gazette notices are available online at no cost.