Pursuant to section 6D(1)(a) of the Conservation Act 1987, I, the Honourable Tama Potaka, Minister of Conservation, hereby appoint the person named hereunder to be a member of the New Zealand Conservation Authority for a term commencing on the date of appointment and expiring on 30 June 2026:
Puna Wano-Bryant, of Waitara
Pursuant to section 6D(1)(f) of the Conservation Act 1987, I, the Honourable Tama Potaka, Minister of Conservation, hereby appoint the person named hereunder to be a member of the New Zealand Conservation Authority for a term commencing on the date of appointment and expiring on 30 June 2026:
Dr Michael (Mick) Abbott, of Waitati.
Dated at Wellington this 31st day of May 2024.
Hon TAMA POTAKA, Minister of Conservation.