Retention of the Title “The Honourable”
Her Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand, acting under delegated authority from His Majesty The King, has approved the retention of the title “The Honourable” by
Virginia Ruby Andersen
Rachel Jane Brooking
Marama Mere-Ana Davidson
Kelvin Glen Davis
Barbara Rachael Fati Palepa Edmonds
Peeni Ereatara Gladwyn Henare
William Wakatere Jackson
Andrew James Little
Jo-Anne Marie Luxton
Kieran Michael McAnulty
Willow-Jean Prime
Priyanca Radhakrishnan
Grant Murray Robertson
Dr Deborah Faye Russell
Carmel Jean Sepuloni
James Peter Edward Shaw
Janette Rose Tinetti
Rino Tirikatene
Dr Ayesha Jennifer Verrall
Dr Duncan Alexander Webb
Dr Megan Cherie Woods
in recognition of their terms as Members of the Executive Council of New Zealand.
Dated at Wellington this 5th day of December 2023.