Notice Title

Justices of the Peace (Retired)

Publication Date
12 Apr 2022


Justices of the Peace Act Retirements Justice

Notice Number

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It is noted for information that pursuant to section 3c(2) of the Justices of the Peace Act 1957, I have authorised the following persons to have the designation Justice of the Peace (JP) (retired):

Margaret Beryl Townshend, of Tauranga

Rhonda Anne Rogers, of Waiuku

Geoffrey Graham Stringer, of Auckland

Dorothy Ruth Temple, of Auckland

Lindsey Jessica Rea, of Auckland

Carole Lorraine Greenville, of Morrinsville

Graham Alfred Hallam, of Hamilton

Phiona Eva Wilson, of Whangarei

David Ronald Dowd, of Whakatane

Peter John Harris, of Waipukurau

James Reginald Nimmo, of Mount Maunganui

Michael William Hill, of Auckland

Paulette Diane Trotter, of Auckland

Margaret Jones, of Auckland

Pamela Joan Groube, of Ohaupo

Anna Jane Weir, of Waikanae

Jean Forde, of Hastings

Lorraine Sylvia Sutherland, of Auckland

John Trevor Harris, of Warkworth

Desmond Noel Barnes, of Auckland

Lois Patricia Cuneen, of Auckland

Valarie June Hoogerbrugge, of Taupo

Suzanne Mary Sinclair, of Auckland

Matthew D’Ornan Keith Dean, of Mercer

Patricia Catharine Anne Booth, of Wellington

Carolyn Anne Amos, of Porirua

Colin James Evans, of Gisborne

John Purcell, of Napier

Brian David Alderson, of Auckland

Phoebe Gloria Veronica Ansell, of New Plymouth

Margaret Mary Clarke, of Havelock North

Dated at Wellington this 12th day of April 2022.

ANDREW KIBBLEWHITE, Secretary for Justice.