Civil Union Celebrants for 2021 Notice No. 12
Pursuant to the provisions of sections 26 and 27 of the Civil Union Act 2004, the following persons have been appointed as civil union celebrants for the period of 3 June 2021 to 17 June 2021:
Abernethy, Bryce
Baragwanath, Cathryn
Cunningham, Caitlin
Dutkiewicz, Marianne
Easton, Clare
Ennis, Lana
Fiddes, Kirsty
Gould, Jeremy
Harvey, Callum
Hellaby, Alexandra
Henderson, Sarah
Hirst, Janice
Kirkpatrick, Jonathan
Mair, Cameron
Morley, Michelle
Pearson, Anissa
Rowe, Georgia
Seed, David
Stevens, Ariana
Thomson, Ivy
Whittaker, Daniel
Willoughby, Kim
Dated at Wellington this 17th day of June 2021.
JEFF MONTGOMERY, Registrar-General.