Education (National Student Numbers) Notice 2019
I make the following notice under section 344 of the Education Act 1989.
(1) This notice may be cited as the Education (National Student Numbers) Notice 2019.
(2) This notice shall take effect on 1 August 2019.
(1) The Ministry of Education, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, the Tertiary Education Commission, and tertiary education organisations are authorised to use national student numbers for the following purposes:
(2) Registered schools are authorised to use national student numbers for the following purposes:
(3) Early childhood services are authorised to use national student numbers for the following purposes:
(4) Statistics NZ, being a body declared by regulations to be an authorised user1, is authorised to use national student numbers for the following purposes:
(5) StudyLink, a service line of the Ministry of Social Development, being a body declared by regulations to be an authorised user2, is authorised to use national student numbers for the following purpose:
(6) The Education Review Office, being a body declared by regulations to be an authorised use3, is authorised to use national student numbers for the following purposes:
This notice revokes the following notices:
Dated at Wellington this 4th day of July 2019.
IONA HOLSTED, Secretary for Education.
1. The Education (Statistics New Zealand Authorised to Use National Student Numbers) Regulations 2008.
2. Other business units of the Ministry of Social Development do not have authority to access or use national student numbers. The Education (Ministry of Social Development Authorised to Use National Student Numbers) Regulations 2012 made the Ministry an authorised user but Cabinet approved the regulations on the basis that the national student numbers’ use would be only for StudyLink purposes and that this would be specified in the New Zealand Gazette notice authorising the use.
3. Education (Education Review Office Authorised to Use National Student Numbers) Regulations 2019.