Notice Title

Designation of a Port Security Area

Publication Date
11 Aug 2016


Maritime Security Act Designation of port security areas Maritime New Zealand

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Pursuant to section 45 of the Maritime Security Act 2004, I, Renny VanderVelde, Manager Marine Pollution Response Service and Maritime Security & Incident Response of Maritime New Zealand, acting under delegated authority, hereby designate the following areas and port facilities operated by Port Nelson Limited as a port security area:

  • All that area of land and wharf contained within the cement shed near Main Wharf South; then east adjacent to Wakefield Quay and Haven Road to Hay Street; then north along Hay Street, crossing Wildman Avenue and proceeding for 70m along Low Street, up to 17 Low Street; then west to the rear of shed 7; then north along the rear of sheds 7 and 8; then west along the side of shed 8 to the security gatehouse on Carkeek Street (but excluding the tank farm adjacent to the security gatehouse); then east along Carkeek Street to the weighbridge boundary (but excluding the Carkeek Street car park adjacent to the security gatehouse); then north along the weighbridge boundary to Rodgers Street; then west along Rogers Street to the log yard entrance and exit; then east to the public accessway beside the slipway to the sea at Kingsford Quay; and includes McGlashen Quay, the Tug Berth, Brunt Quay, Main Wharf and Main Wharf South.

This designation comes into force on the day after the date of notification in the New Zealand Gazette.

Dated this 9th day of August 2016.

RENNY VANDERVELDE, Manager Marine Pollution Response Service and Maritime Security & Incident Response of Maritime New Zealand (acting under delegated authority).