Paramedic Council | Te Kaunihera Manapou (Fees) Notice 2025
Pursuant to sections 130–133 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, the following notice is given.
(1) This notice may be cited as the Paramedic Council | Te Kaunihera Manapou (Fees) Notice 2025 and comes into force on 1 Āperira | April 2025.
(2) This notice has the status of secondary legislation for the purposes of the Legislation Act 2019.
(3) This notice revokes and replaces all previous Paramedic Council fees notices.
The Paramedic Council | Te Kaunihera Manapou sets its fees and levies as specified in the following Schedule.
(1) The fees are stated inclusive of goods and services tax (GST).
(2) The Paramedic Council | Te Kaunihera Manapou sets the following fees specified in the attached Schedule.
(3) All fees charged by the Council are non-refundable and are payable in $NZD.
This notice sets out the fees that the Paramedic Council | Te Kaunihera Manapou has determined must be paid for the services outlined.
To set fees to support the regulation of Paramedics.
Fees and Levies Payable to Paramedic Council | Te Kaunihera Manapou effective from 1 Āperira | April 2025.
Type of Fee |
Disciplinary Levy |
$ |
Full practising year (1 Āperira | April to 31 Māehe | March) (levy is included within the value of the full practising certificate fee) |
45.00 |
After 30 Hepetema | September (levy is pro-rated and included within the value of a practising certificate issued after 30 Hepetema | September) |
22.50 |
Registration |
Application for registration as a paramedic – Aotearoa New Zealand qualified |
200.00 |
Applications from Australia for registration as a paramedic under Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (TTMR) |
450.00 |
Application for registration as a paramedic – Overseas-qualified |
1,500.00 |
Practising Certificate Fee |
Practising certificate for 12 months, including disciplinary levy (between 1 Āperira | April and 31 Māehe | March) |
600.00 |
Practising certificate for 6 months, including disciplinary levy (between 1 Oketopa | October and 31 Māehe | March) |
300.00 |
Other Fees |
Application for specialist practice endorsement |
150.00 |
Certificate of good standing |
70.00 |
Handling fee (other fee) |
70.00 |
Inspection of the Register (search fee) |
70.00 |
Restoration to the register |
200.00 |
Return to practise process |
300.00 |
Accreditation and Monitoring |
Accreditation and monitoring of educational institutions and programmes that are prescribed for scopes of practice |
Cost recovery basis |
Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of Pēpuere | February 2025.
JACQUELYN MANLEY, Registrar, Paramedic Council | Te Kaunihera Manapou.