CBL INSURANCE LIMITED (in liquidation)
Pursuant to the Companies Act 1993 Liquidation Regulations 1994 (“Regulations”) and/or section 169 of the Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2010, Kare Johnstone and Andrew Grenfell (“liquidators”) of CBL Insurance Limited (“company”), fix 30 April 2025 as the day on or before which the creditors of the company, including all policyholders, are to make their claims and to establish any priority that their claims may have under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993. The liability of the company to each policyholder shall be determined by the liquidators pursuant to the Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2010.
If a creditor of the company does not make its claim on or before 30 April 2025 then, pursuant to the Regulations, the liquidators may exclude the creditor from the benefit of any distribution made to the company’s creditors before the creditor has made its claim.
If a creditor of the company fails to establish any priority that its claim may have on or before 30 April 2025 then, pursuant to the Regulations, the creditor may be excluded from objecting to any distribution made before the creditor established the priority of its claim.
Dated this 28th day of January 2025.
Adrress of Liquidator: McGrathNicol, Level 17, 41 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010. Postal Address: PO Box 106733, Auckland 1143. Telephone: (09) 366 4655. Facsimile: (09) 366 4656. Officer for Enquiries: Helen Gair. Email: hgair@mcgrathnicol.co.nz.