Notice of Application to Register a Trade Name Product (Notice No. MPI ACVM 60)
Notice is given under section 14(1) of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 (“Act”), of the following application to register a trade name product under section 9(1) of the Act:
Trade Name: VarroxSan
Reference: P010158
Active Ingredients and Concentrations:
Oxalic acid dihydrate: 18.42%. Other Ingredients 81.58%. Total: I00.0%
Formulation Type: Impregnated strips (non-volatile, contact action)
Application method/administration route:
Sustained-release fibre strip
Use Claim:
Strips for the in-hive control of varroosis due to Varroa destructor in honeybees
Any person may make a written submission to the director-general concerning this application.
Under sections 16 and 17 of the Act, a written submission:
Each submission must state the trade name product(s) to which it relates. Under section 18 of the Act, a copy of every submission will be forwarded to the applicant.
The following address is:
ACVM Team, Ministry for Primary Industries, Charles Fergusson Building, 38–42 Bowen Street, Pipitea, Wellington 6011. Postal Address: PO Box 2526, Wellington 6140. Email:
MPI encourages submission by email.
The applicant’s address for service is:
Vita Europe Limited, London Street, Basingstoke, Hants RG21 7PG, United Kingdom.
Dated at Wellington this 16th day of January 2025.
SHALEEN NARAYAN, Manager Approvals, Ministry for Primary Industries (acting under delegated authority).