Notice Title

Fisheries (Notification of Tāngata Kaitiaki/Tiaki for Appointment of Tāngata Kaitiaki/Tiaki for the Area/Rohe Moana of Ngāti Hinewaka Me Ōna Hapū) Notice 2024 (Notice No. MPI 1907)

Pursuant to regulation 10 of the Fisheries (Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998, the Director-General of the Ministry for Primary Industries gives the following notice.


1. Title

This notice is the Fisheries (Notification of Tāngata Kaitiaki/Tiaki for Appointment of Tāngata Kaitiaki/Tiaki for the Area/Rohe Moana of Ngāti Hinewaka Me Ōna Hapū) Notice 2024.

2. Commencement

This notice comes into force on 13 January 2025.

3. Customary food gathering area/rohe moana

This notice applies to a customary food gathering area/rohe moana in the New Zealand fisheries waters enclosed by a line:

  1. Commencing on the coastline of eastern Wairarapa at 41°23.1′S 175°45.2′E; then
  2. Proceeding South to 42°18.9′S 175°45.2′E; then
  3. Proceeding Northwest 41°39.0′S 174°58.0′E; then
  4. Proceeding in a Northerly direction to 41°24.0′S 174°59.2′E; then
  5. Proceeding along the coastline to the point of commencement.

4. Tangata whenua

The tangata whenua of the area/rohe moana are Ngāti Hinewaka me ōna Hapū.

New Appointment

(1) The Minister for Oceans and Fisheries has appointed those named below as a tāngata kaitiaki/tiaki for the rohe moana.

  1. Reon Kerr and
  2. Darcy Tilyard

(2) The appointment took effect on 20 December 2024.

Dated at Blenheim this 20th day of December 2024.

JUDITH MacDONALD, Director Fisheries and Aquaculture Treaty Partnerships (acting under delegated authority).