Notice Title

Estate of Rihipeti Punga

Publication Date
27 Jan 2025


Trusts Act Notice to creditors and other claimants

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Notice to Creditor and Other Claimants Against Estate

If you have any claim against the Estate of Rihipeti Punga of Drury who died on 19 April 1993, you are now required to send details of all your claims to the under-mentioned solicitors for the executor not later than 30 days from the date on which this notice is given.

You are warned that after such date, the estate may be administered or distributed having regards only to claims received.

If any claim was already due for payment at the time the deceased died, you must say so when sending in the details of that claim.

This notice has been published under the Trusts Act 2019, section 79.

Attention: Hannah Whyte, Tavendale & Partners Limited, PO Box 442, 329 Durham Street North, Christchurch 8140. Phone: 027 647 0471. Email: