Public Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Goods
In the matter of section 156(1)(a)(ii) of the Property Law Act 2007 (“Act”) and in the matter of mortgage over goods dated 25 January 2022 (“Security Agreement”) over the mortgaged goods described below.
Heartland Bank Limited (3152425), the mortgagee under the Security Agreement (“Mortgagee”), hereby gives notice that it has entered into possession of the mortgaged goods described below with effect from 22 January 2025.
2017 Fuso HD FV2547, Serial No.: JLFFV51SK0KJ25154, Registration No.: LDD67.
The registered address of the Mortgagee is: Heartland Bank Limited, 35 Teed Street, New Market, Auckland.
The address to which communications relating to the Collateral may be addressed is: Anderson Lloyd, Floor 2, The Regent Building, 33 Cathedral Square, Christchurch 8011. Email: or
C.L. WEBBER, Solicitor for the Mortgagee.