Notice Title

DON HOLDING (2018) LIMITED (in liquidation)

Publication Date
23 Jan 2025


Companies Act Removals

Notice Number

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Notice of Intention to Remove the Company From the Register

Pursuant to the Companies Act 1993

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993 the Registrar will be removing the above company from the Register on the grounds that the liquidator has completed their duties. The liquidator has delivered the documents referred to in section 257 of the Companies Act 1993 to the Registrar.

Any objection to the removal under section 321 of the Companies Act 1993 must be delivered to the Registrar by 22 February 2025.

The registered office of the company is situated at the offices of Olesen Accountants, 45 Jocelyn Street, Te Puke 3119.