Notice Title

Notice of Application to Approve a Scheme Under Part III of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957

Publication Date
8 Jan 2025


Charitable Trusts Act Application for approval of a scheme

Notice Number

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This document notifies you that:

  1. On 2 December 2024, an application under Part III of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 for approval of a scheme in respect of the Kennedy Educational Scholarship Trust (CC21702) (“Trust”), a charitable trust that was established by The Gas Association of New Zealand Incorporated in 1977, to commemorate the outstanding services to the gas industry of the late Matthew Joseph Kennedy and his father and uncle before him, was filed in the High Court at Wellington. Its reference number is CIV-2024-485-815.
  2. If approved, the charitable scheme will vary the trust deed of the Trust to reflect changes to the structure of the gas industry since the deed was first executed in 1977 and ensure the trustees can be appointed consistently with the deed both now and in the future as the industry continues to change. In particular, the scheme will update the deed by removing outdated references, and inserting a construction clause and an administrative amendment clause to reduce the risk of similar applications having to be made in future.
  3. These administrative changes are sought on the basis that they will facilitate the carrying out the charitable purposes of the Trust.
  4. Copies of the scheme and the report of the Attorney-General thereon may be inspected, free of charge, at the office of the Registrar of the High Court at Wellington, or at the office of the Kennedy Educational Scholarship Trust at Level 13, 157 Lambton Quay, Wellington. The application has been set down for hearing in the High Court at Wellington on Monday, 10 March 2025 at 10.00am.
  5. Any person desiring to oppose the scheme must give written notice of their intention to do so not less than 7 clear days before the abovementioned date. Such notice must be given to the Registrar of the High Court at Wellington, Crown Law on behalf of the Attorney-General, and to the Trust by its solicitor. The address for service of the Trust is c/- Sue Barker, Sue Barker Charities Law,