Notice of Exemption From the Maritime and Marine Protection Rules
Pursuant to sections 40AA(1)(a) and 395(1)(a) of the Maritime Transport Act 1994, the Director of Maritime New Zealand hereby notifies the granting of the following exemptions from the Maritime and Marine Protection Rules during the period 24 October 2024 to 6 November 2024 inclusive.
Rule Part |
Rule |
Requirement |
Exempted (person, ship, product etc.) |
Total |
Maritime Transport Operator – Certification and Responsibilities | 19.3 | Requirement to hold Maritime Transport Operator certificate |
Event Water Safety Limited (owner and operator) and vessels, Alpha, MNZ No. 143368, Bravo, MNZ No. 143369 and Charlie, MNZ No. 143370 Braided River Jetboating Limited (owner and operator) and master of vessel, BRJB2, MNZ No. 136415 |
2 |
19.62(1) | A ship must have a valid certificate of survey issued under rule 44.41 before it can be operated |
Event Water Safety Limited (owner and operator) and vessels, Alpha, MNZ No. 143368, Bravo, MNZ No. 143369 and Charlie, MNZ No. 143370 Braided River Jetboating Limited (owner and operator) and master of vessel, BRJB2, MNZ No. 136415 |
2 | |
Crewing and Watchkeeping | 31.84(2) | Minimum crewing requirements as per Minimum Safe Crewing Document for other passenger or non-passenger ships, as specified in tables and flowcharts | Braided River Jetboating Limited (owner and operator) and master of vessel, BRJB2, MNZ No. 136415 | 1 |
Seafarer Certification | 32.10(1) | Requirement to hold certificate and associated endorsements – only in respect to requirement for master of vessel to hold a Skipper Restricted Limits certificate of competency | Braided River Jetboating Limited (owner and operator) and master of vessel, BRJB2, MNZ No. 136415 | 1 |
32.50, Table 7 | Requirements set out in Table 7 for Marine Engineer Class 5 certificate of competency only with respect to completion of relevant training and sea service | Holder of Marine Engineer Class 5 certificate | 1 | |
Design, Construction and Equipment – Passenger Ships which are not SOLAS Ships | 40A.25(1)(b) | requirements for guard rails or bulwarks above the deck on decks to which passengers have access, on any post-27-May 2004 ships, must be not less than the shown in Table 40A.5 only with respect to length overall of ship 20 meters or more – minimum 1000mm | Luxury Cruising New Zealand Limited and vessel, Liberté IV, MNZ No. 131137 | 1 |
Design, Construction and Equipment – Novel Ships | 40G.4(2)(e) | Application for the Director’s written approval of a ship’s safety case must include a copy of the ship’s certificate of fitness and the contents of the ship’s safety case. | WSP New Zealand Limited (owner) and master; and vessel, Apache3 Pro, MNZ No. 143672 | 1 |
40G.6(1) | Certificate of fitness in respect of the ship and its equipment must be in force at all times | WSP New Zealand Limited (owner) and master; and vessel, Apache3 Pro, MNZ No. 143672 | 1 | |
40G.7 | Annual survey of the ship and its equipment is carried out by a surveyor within three months before or after each anniversary date of issue date | WSP New Zealand Limited (owner) and master; and vessel, Apache3 Pro, MNZ No. 143672 | 1 | |
40G.9 | Requirement for ship to be clearly and permanently marked with its Maritime New Zealand number, being the letters “MNZ” followed by a distinctive number issued to the ship by the Director and the requirements of size, colour and location of number. | WSP New Zealand Limited (owner) and master; and vessel, Apache3 Pro, MNZ No. 143672 | 1 | |
Safety Equipment – Life Saving Appliances – Performance, Maintenance and Servicing | 42A.5A(3) | An applicant for an approved servicing station certificate must provide evidence satisfactory to the Director that the facility complies with International Maritime Organization Assembly Resolution A.761. | Northland Regional Council | 1 |
Pilotage | 90.23 | Requirement to carry a pilot or receive advice from a pilot when navigating a pilotage area only with respect to the Auckland pilotage area as et out in Maritime Rules Part 90, Appendix 1 | Master of vessel, Awanuia, MNZ No. 133720 | 1 |
Offshore Installations – Oil Spill Contingency Plans and Oil Pollution Prevention Certification | 131.63(2)(a) | Requirements to have equipment and associated pump and piping systems, including oil discharge and monitoring control systems, oily water separating equipment and oil filtering systems that comply with Marine Protection Rule Part 131 – only with respect to tanks for oil residue (sludge), Regulation 12; standard discharge connection, Regulation 13; and oil filtering equipment, Regulation 14 – as required under MARPOL Annex I, Chapter 3, Requirements for Machinery Spaces | OMV New Zealand Limited (owner) and offshore installations, Maui-A and Maui-B | 1 |
Mandatory Ships Routeing | 190.3(2) | Owner, charterer and master of a ship to which this rule applies must not cause or allow the ship to enter the Poor Knights area in transit. | Campus Mare Limited (owner), the Charterer, and Master of the vessel, Kamaxitha, IMO No. 1011630 | 1 |