Notice Title

Designation of a Port Security Area

Publication Date
21 Jan 2025


Maritime Security Act Designation of port security areas Maritime New Zealand

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In accordance with section 45(1) of the Maritime Security Act 2004, I, Esther Livingston, the Acting Chief Executive of Maritime New Zealand, hereby designate the following areas when operated by Far North Holdings Limited as a port security area:

  • the number 9 pontoon and access ramp followed by a 3-metre by 5-metre rectangle on the corner of Paihia Wharf bordering the access ramp, with the long side of the rectangle following the ocean facing side of the wharf, and the short side of the rectangle following the southeast side of the wharf. This rectangle will be enclosed with moveable barriers. The image included in this notice provides a visual representation for where the designated area will be located on the Paihia Wharf.

Paihia Wharf Berths P9 secure area

This designation comes into effect the day after the date this notice was signed.

Dated at Wellington on this 17th day of January 2025.

ESTHER LIVINGSTON, Acting Chief Executive of Maritime New Zealand.