Notice Title

Notice of the Electricity Industry Participation Code Amendment (Updates to Registry Fields) 2024

Publication Date
26 Nov 2024


Electricity Act Electricity Industry Participation Codes Electricity Authority

Notice Number

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1. Under section 38 of the Electricity Industry Act 2010 (“Act”), and having complied with section 39 of that Act, the Electricity Authority (“Authority”) gives notice of making the Electricity Industry Participation Code Amendment (Information to be Provided to the Registry Manager about Distributed Generation) 2024 (“amendment”).

2. The amendment comes into force on 1 August 2025.

3. The amendment amends clause 7 of Schedule 11.1 to broaden the information distributors are required to provide to the registry manager about distributed generation connected at installation control points (“ICPs”) on the distributor’s network. The amendment will:

  1. require distributors to provide information about photovoltaic arrays, batteries, inverters, and vehicle-to-grid installations about distributed generation connected at ICPs on the distributor’s network from 1 August 2025;
  2. clarify that distributors may provide such information about distributed generation connected at ICPs on the distributor’s network prior to 1 August 2025 if they choose to do so; and
  3. provide distributors with time to update their internal processes in order to comply with the amendment from 1 August 2025.

4. The amendment also amends clause 11 of Schedule 11.1 to clarify that distributors are required to correct errors in the information they have provided to the registry manager as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the error.

5. The amendment is secondary legislation for the purpose of the Legislation Act 2019 and is administered by the Authority.

6. A copy of the amendment and the Code is available on the Authority's website at:

7. A copy of the amendment and the Code may also be inspected free of charge or purchased from the Electricity Authority, Level 7, Aon Centre, 1 Willis Street, Wellington.

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of November 2024.

ANNA KOMINIK, Chair, Electricity Authority.