Notice Type
Secondary Legislation
Notice Title

Amendment to Fees in Relation to Quota Management Systems—European Union (EU) Sheepmeat and Goatmeat Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ), EU High Quality Beef TRQ, United Kingdom (UK) Sheepmeat and Goatmeat TRQ, UK High Quality Beef TRQ, UK Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Beef TRQ and United States (US) Beef and Veal TRQ

The New Zealand Meat Board (‘Board’) has reviewed its existing quota management fee structure for the EU Sheepmeat and Goatmeat TRQ, EU High Quality Beef TRQ, UK Sheepmeat and Goatmeat TRQ, UK High Quality Beef TRQ, UK FTA Beef and US Beef and Veal TRQ and has determined that participation fees payable in respect of these quotas be amended pursuant to section 36 of the Meat Board Act 2004.

The amended fixed participation and the special levy fees apply from 1 December 2024.

The amended fees are set out in the table below.


Amount of Amended Fee (GST Excluded)

Quota Fees

EU Sheepmeat and Goatmeat

EU High Quality Beef

UK Sheepmeat and Goatmeat

UK High Quality Beef


US Beef and Veal

Special Levy (per tonne)

11.25 cents

11.25 cents

11.25 cents

11.25 cents


20 cents

New Entrant / First Come First Served Participation Fee





No change


All other existing quota management fees remain the same.

For the 2025 TRQs for: EU Sheepmeat & Goatmeat TRQ, EU High Quality Beef TRQ, UK Sheepmeat & Goatmeat TRQ, UK High Quality Beef TRQ, UK FTA Beef and US Beef & Veal:

The quantum of the variable participation fees payable by each General Quota Holder will be notified to those persons by the Board following the annual allocation of TRQ Allowances, and are due by 31 December 2024. As above, these fees will be at the new or amended Special Levy rates notified for EU, UK and US quotas in addition to existing Variable Participation fees.

The quantum of variable participation fees and Special Levy recoveries for quota allocated on a first come first served basis to New Entrants will be notified to those applicants via the drawdown process.

The EU Sheepmeat and Goatmeat TRQ applies to 125,769 tonnes carcass weight equivalent and the tariff rate for “in quota” imports is 0%.

The EU High Quality Beef TRQ applies to 1,102 tonnes carcass weight equivalent and the tariff rate for “in quota” imports is 7.5% ad valorem duty.

The UK Sheepmeat and Goatmeat TRQ applies to 102,620 tonnes carcass weight equivalent and the tariff rate for “in quota” imports is 0%.

The UK High Quality Beef TRQ applies to 198 tonnes carcass weight equivalent and the tariff rate for “in quota” imports is 20% ad valorem duty.

The US Beef and Veal TRQ applies to 213,402 tonnes product weight and the tariff rate for “in quota” imports is $US0.044 per kilogram on most beef products.

The UK FTA Beef TRQ applies to 17,960 tonnes product weight for 2025 quota year and the tariff rate for “in quota” imports is 0% with an annual increase of 2,980 tonnes until safeguards apply in Year 11.

Manuals are available on the Board’s website at:

Dated at Wellington this 13th day of September 2024.

N. BEEBY, General Manager Quota and Information, New Zealand Meat Board.