Notice Type
Secondary Legislation
Notice Title

Amendment of NAIT Animal Identification Device Standard

Pursuant to section 14 of the National Animal Identification and Tracing Act 2012, I, Simon Andrew, Acting Chief Executive of National Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) Limited (acting as the NAIT organisation), give notice of amendment of the NAIT Animal Identification Devices Standard.

The amendments specified below take effect on Friday, 31 May 2024.

The amendments are as follows:

Amend clause 2.15 (“In NAIT devices for cattle: the female portion housing the transponder, must be white. The centre of the female portion, not housing the transponder, may be black, white or yellow. The male portion must be white”) to replace “black, white or yellow” with “any colour other than orange”

Amend clause 2.16 (“In NAIT devices for deer: the female portion must be orange. The male portion may be any colour other than white”) to add “the centre of the female portion, not housing the transponder, may be any colour other than white”

Amend table 1; notes to table (d) (“The participant code is the four-letter code used by livestock genetics and artificial breeding companies to identify each of their clients”) to replace “four-letter code” with “four or five letter code”

Dated at Wellington this 27th day of May 2024.

SIMON ANDREW, Acting Chief Executive, National Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) Limited.