Notice Pursuant to Section 114 Land Transfer Act 2017
The applicant described below has applied under section 114 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 for the extinguishment of a profit à prendre. The applicant claims the profit à prendre is extinguished by reason of the grounds set out below.
An entry that the profit à prendre has extinguished will be made on the record of title if no objection is received by 3 February 2025. A person who claims to have an interest under the profit à prendre may object by giving written notice to the Registrar General of Land before that date.
Application Number: 13125247.1
Land Registration District: South Auckland
Applicant: The Proprietors of Whareroa Station (grantor), c/o JB Morrison, PO Box 1742, Rotorua 3040.
Profit à prendre: Profit à prendre over Part Hauhungaroa 6B Block in Record of Title SA48B/597 granted to ElandNZ Limited created by Instrument 11318617.1 registered on 2 October 2019.
Grounds: The profit à prendre is extinguished because an event specified in the profit à prendre has occurred that has brought it to an end, being notice terminating the profit à prendre pursuant to clause 5 of the agreement has been served and payment has been made.
Dated at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, Christchurch this 19th day of December 2024.
R. SAVILL, for Registrar General of Land.