Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Notice of Desire to Acquire Land

To: The Estate of Joseph Aplin – deceased (died 15 April 1926), formerly a farmer of Carterton and owner of land in Costley Street, Carterton.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 18(7)(a) and section 4(1)(d) of the Public Works Act 1981 that Joseph Aplin (deceased) remains the registered owner of the land described below, and that the Carterton District Council desires to acquire the land for road.

Land at Costley Street, Carterton.


Land Required for Road
(subject to survey)
Part Section 210 Taratahi District (Part Deeds Index 20/345) and shown as Section 1 on SO Plan 558306 (subject to Approval)

A Notice of Desire to acquire the land is being registered against Deeds Index 20/345.

If any person requires further information, please contact Bob Austin, Armstrong Dixon Limited, 43 Bosun Terrace, Whitby, Porirua. Postal Address: PO Box 5133, Wellington 6140. Telephone: 021 454692.

Please note that the Council may commence to take the land compulsorily if agreement cannot be reached with proven successors to the registered owner, within three months of the date of service of this notice.

Dated by Carterton District Council this 9th day of September 2024.

SOLITAIRE ROBERTSON, Planning and Regulatory Services Manager, (acting under delegated authority for and on behalf of Geoff Hamilton, Chief Executive, Carterton District Council).