Crown Land Set Apart as Reserve—Classification and Vesting of the Reserve in the Auckland Council
Pursuant to section 167 of the Land Act 1948, the Director Operations, Auckland Region, Department of Conservation, hereby sets apart the Crown land described in the Schedule as reserve for recreation purposes, and further, pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, classifies the reserve as a recreation reserve and vests the reserve in the Auckland Council subject to the provisions of the Reserves Act 1977.
Area ha |
Description |
0.1133 | Section 1, SO 579604, Part New Zealand Gazette, 2 November 2023, Notice No. 2023-ln5145 |
0.3712 | Section 2, SO 579604, Part New Zealand Gazette, 2 November 2023, Notice No. 2023-ln5145 |
0.4517 | Section 5, SO 579604, Part New Zealand Gazette, 2 November 2023, Notice No. 2023-ln5145 |
Dated at Auckland this 3rd day of April 2024.
ANDREW BAUCKE, Director Operations, Auckland Region.