Notice Title

Civil Union Celebrants for 2024 Notice No. 23

Publication Date
19 Dec 2024


Civil Union Act Register of civil union celebrants Internal Affairs

Notice Number

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Pursuant to the provisions of sections 26 and 27 of the Civil Union Act 2004, the following persons have been appointed as civil union celebrants for the period 2 December to 19 December 2024:

Adams, Toby

Boyd, Alice

Boyd, Sharon

Baine, Portia

Bright, Mia

Brownlee, Rahui

Bush, Charlotte

Cornfield-James, Ella

Crowley, Emma

Daniel, Art

Edwards, Daniella

Galletly, Rosie

Grace, Lillian

Gradwell, Nicole

Harman, Ginny

Jupp, Luke

Lee, Sam

Maclachlan, John

Muller, Gregory

Murray, Jo

Mcdonald, Jo

Mcghie, Briar

Nicholson, Pol

Pinfold, James

Russell, Christie

Smith, Kerry

Scullin, Catherine

Thomas, Daveen

Waghorn, Abbe

Watson, Mihi

Woods, Mark

Worrall-Bader, Ludwig

Dated at Wellington this 19th day of December 2024.

RUSSELL BURNARD, Registrar-General.