Notice Title

Notice of Removal of Trade Name Products From the Register of Trade Name Products (Notice No. MPI ACVM 56)

Notice is given under section 22(3)(b) of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 (“Act”) that the registration of the following trade name products has expired or been cancelled, and they have been removed from the Register of Trade Name Products.

Registration Number: Trade Name:
A009887 Maxalac L.C. Intramammary Antibiotic
P007639 Orion Methomyl 200SL
P008064 Panther S
P009917 Patrol Clear
P009609 PDQ
P007483 Pendant
P005324 Phytospear
P007348 Pre-Empt 480EC
P009511 Scarpa 500SC
P004853 Sulclean DF
P009878 Synergy Ambush
P009880 Synergy Diazinon Liquid
P009049 AGPRO Fluazinam 500
P004905 AGPRO Green Glyphosate
A009752 Adaptil Spray
A009469 Coppermax
P009434 Accolade 5SG
P004626 AMEND
P007850 Calibre
P004625 Clean Sweep
P009525 Corvette
P007438 GForce Drymax
P009516 Glymate 510
P003030 Neoron
P008664 Orbit
P007451 Orion Carben 500SC
P007892 Orion Lime Sulphur
P009340 Kiwivax
P009702 DISRUPTOR 540 K-Salt
P007392 Chlorsulfuron Herbicide
P007901 Bonanza Elite Herbicide
P009373 Mavrik Duo
A011333 Akorn Tolazine Injection

The importation and the manufacture of the products listed above are prohibited from the date of this notice.

Under section 22(3)(c) of the Act, any product listed above may continue to be sold and used (but not manufactured) until its manufactured expiry date, or a period of two years from the manufacturing date, whichever is shorter but not after that date.

Dated at Wellington this 11th day of December 2024.

SHALEEN NARAYAN, Manager Approvals, Ministry for Primary Industries (acting under delegated authority)