Notice Title

Justices of the Peace (Retired)

Publication Date
6 Dec 2024


Justices of the Peace Act Retirements Justice

Notice Number

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It is noted for information that pursuant to section 3c(2) of the Justices of the Peace Act 1957, I have authorised the following persons to have the designation Justice of the Peace (“JP”) (retired):

Alan Norman Bickers, of Tauranga

Robert James Jones, of Omokoroa

Ivan Kenneth Minnell, of Tokoroa

Brian John Ritchie, of Te Puke

Patricia Sally Jane Gregory, of Hamilton

Vivian Hazel Wilson, of Te Kuitii

Mary Ellen Barnes, of Blenheim

Rozalie Anita Brown, of Upper Hutt

Gary Alexander Pollock, of Napier

Annette Pamela Foster, of Rolleston

Selwyn John Houghton, of Warkworth

Robyn Gwendalyne Paterson, of Tauranga

Philippa Austen Barker, of Lower Hutt

John Allan Gallagher, of Hamilton

Barbara Florence Stuart, of Cable Bay

Marie Mischewski, of Papamoa

Dorothy Patricia Barnes, of Dunedin

Donald McGregor Stockwell, of Hawera

George William Bryant, of Tauranga

Gillian Mary Berridge, of Lower Hutt

Lindsay Griffiths Corban, of Auckland

Graham Stewart Young, of Papamoa

Hugh Maurice Winder, of Feilding

Christine Anne Cuff, of Hokitika

Anne Hore, of Oamaru

Alison Margaret McAlpine, of Nelson

Cecil Ronald Davis, of Queenstown

Bruce Hereward Wilson, of Balclutha

Peter Edmund Lovelace Bull, of Maungaturoto

Warwick Pemberton Palmer, of Whangamata

Peter Hugh Gordon, of Pukekohe

Dated at Wellington this 5th day of December 2024.

ANDREW KIBBLEWHITE, Secretary for Justice.