Notice of Vesting of Property Under Section 324 of the Companies Act 1993—Victoria Hotels (Christchurch) Limited
I, Glenn Paul Tootill, Senior Solicitor, acting under delegated authority from the Secretary to the Treasury, hereby give notice that on 9 February 2024 I first became aware that the Crown was vested under section 324 of the Companies Act 1993, by virtue of the removal of Victoria Hotels (Christchurch) Limited (257995) from the Register of Companies on 17 June 2014 with the following property:
Lease No.637969.1 recorded on CB30F/80 (Record of Title Leasehold 432506)
Lease No.724429.2 recorded on CB30F/80 (Record of Title Leasehold 432507)
Dated at Hamilton this 9th day of February 2024.
GLENN PAUL TOOTILL, Senior Solicitor.