Civil Union Celebrants for 2024 Notice No. 18
Pursuant to the provisions of sections 26 and 27 of the Civil Union Act 2004, the following persons have been appointed as civil union celebrants for the period 9 September 2024 to 26 September 2024:
Attwood, Holly
Banfield, Justine
Cook, Fiona
Cootes, Hilary
Clements, Eleanor
Fong, James
Glengarry, John
Guest, Joanna
Hargraves, Sally
Mcintyre, Brooke
O’sullivan, Nick
Pynenburg-Smith, Anna
Rands, Rachael
Santner, Liv
Silke, Kate
Stembridge, Karen
Tai, Philosh
Welsh, Miffy
Walden, Scott
Wood, Rayleen
Dated at Wellington this 26th day of September 2024.
RUSSELL BURNARD, Registrar-General.