Notice Type
Notice Title

Notice of General Permission Under Sections 52 and 53 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 for the Sale of Certain Honey (Notice No. MPI 1453)

Under sections 52(d) and 53(2) of the Biosecurity Act 1993, I give notice that:

1. I permit any person to communicate, exhibit, offer for sale and sell honey which has been identified as containing Paenibacillus larvae “American Foulbrood” (AFB), that:

  1. has been tested and confirmed as containing AFB through honey sampling;
  2. is not known or suspected to be associated with a honey colony that is or was displaying the clinical symptoms of AFB; and
  3. is intended for human consumption only,

collectively referred to as “AFB Positive Honey”.

2. AFB Positive Honey must be labelled with the following words: “, Not to be fed to bees.”

3. The purpose of this permission is to allow the communication and sale of honey that has been identified as containing AFB through testing samples of extracted honey, while managing the risk associated with AFB Positive Honey.

4. Persons communicating, exhibiting, selling or offering for sale AFB Positive Honey must comply with all other relevant legislation and regulations, including any rules or conditions of the Biosecurity (National American Foulbrood Pest Management Plan) Order 1998 that may apply.

5. Any AFB Positive Honey communicated to the border for export must comply with any relevant export requirements for New Zealand and the destination market.

6. The MPI Chief Technical Officer may amend or revoke this permission by notice in writing if circumstances change or if new information becomes available or to otherwise effectively manage biosecurity risks.

7. This notice is valid from the date it is signed until it is revoked or amended in writing.

Signed at Wellington on this 17th day of September 2024.

JOHN WALSH, Chief Technical Officer, Ministry for Primary Industries.