Notice Title

LEON VAN RHYN (deceased)

Publication Date
4 Dec 2024


Trusts Act Notice to creditors and other claimants

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Notice to Creditors and Other Claimants

Pursuant to section 79 of the Trusts Act 2019, any creditors or other persons having a claim against the estate of Leon van Rhyn, who died on 1 November 2024, for any outstanding debt or interest must send or deliver notice in writing along with proof of the claim to Dorette Goldie, the executor of the estate.

Such notice is required no later than 31 days from the date of publication of this notice after which the executor may administer or distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled having regard only to the claims of which the executor then has notice.

The executor will not be liable for any claims at the time of administration or distribution of which notice has not been given.

Postal Address: 47 Gregory Close, Old Hall, Warrington, WA5 8PP, United Kingdom. Email: