Notice Title

ROTO WHARE LIMITED (in receivership and in liquidation)

Publication Date
10 Dec 2024


Receiverships Act Appointment and release of receivers and managers

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Notice of Appointment of Receivers and Managers

Pursuant to Section 8(1A) of the Receiverships Act 1993

We, Neale Jackson and Daniel Stoneman, Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, hereby give notice that on 6 December 2024 we were appointed joint and several receivers and managers of the assets and undertaking of the above-named company by Quaestor Advisors, LLC pursuant to a general security deed dated 26 August 2020.

The law requires receivers to be licensed insolvency practitioners. More information about the regulation of insolvency practitioners is available from the Registrar of Companies.

The office of the receivers and managers is at: Calibre Partners, Level 21, 88 Shortland Street, Auckland. Email: Phone: (09) 307 7865.

NEALE JACKSON and DANIEL STONEMAN, Joint Receivers and Managers.

Enquiries to: Kyle Zhang.

Note: If any creditor claims a security interest over any assets of the company, please provide details to the receivers and managers forthwith.