Notice Title

Appointment of Ministers

Publication Date
2 Feb 2023


Parliament Appointments/reappointments Prime Minister and Cabinet

Notice Number

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Her Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint:

The Honourable Dr Megan Cherie Woods to the Office of Minister for Infrastructure;

The Honourable Janette Rose Tinetti to the Office of Minister of Education;

The Honourable Dr Ayesha Jennifer Verrall to the Office of Minister of Health;

The Honourable Kiri Lyndsay Allan to the Office of Minister for Regional Development;

The Honourable Stuart Alexander Nash to the Office of Minister for Economic Development, Minister of Police and Minister for Oceans and Fisheries;

The Honourable Andrew James Little to the Office of Minister of Defence and Minister for the Public Service;

The Honourable Peeni Ereatara Gladwyn Henare to the Offices of Minister for ACC and Minister of Tourism;

The Honourable Nanaia Cybele Mahuta to the Office of Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control;

The Honourable Priyanca Radhakrishnan to the Office of Minister for Disability Issues;

The Honourable Kieran Michael McAnulty to the Offices of Minister of Local Government and Minister for Rural Communities;

The Honourable Virginia Ruby Andersen to the Offices of Minister for the Digital Economy and Communications, Minister for Seniors and Minister for Small Business;

The Honourable Barbara Rachael Fati Palepa Edmonds to the Offices of Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister for Pacific Peoples;

The Honourable Dr Duncan Alexander Webb to the Offices of Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs and Minister for State Owned Enterprises;

The Honourable Willow-Jean Prime to the Offices of Minister of Conservation and Minister for Youth;

The Honourable Rino Tirikatene to the Offices of Minister for Courts and Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth;

The Honourable Dr Deborah Faye Russell to the Office of Minister of Statistics;

which took effect on Wednesday, 1 February 2023.

Dated at Wellington this 1st day of February 2023.

By Command:
RACHEL HAYWARD, Clerk of the Executive Council.