Notice Type
Secondary Legislation
Notice Title

Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board (Motor Vehicle Inspections) Notice 2023

This notice is issued by the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board (“Board”) pursuant to section 87F of the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Act 2006 (“Act”), having complied with sections 87G and 87H of the Act and in accordance with section 43 of the Legislation Act 2019. The Board prescribes the following requirements relating to how motor vehicle inspections, arranged by self-containment certification authorities under section 87U(3) of the Act, must be carried out.

Issued at Wellington this 27th day of November 2023.

ALEYNA MARY HALL, Registrar of the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board.


1. Title

This notice is the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board (Motor Vehicle Inspections) Notice 2023.

2. Commencement

This notice comes into force on 7 December 2023.

3. Interpretation

(1) In this notice:

Act means the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Act 2006

Critical self-containment elements are the facilities set out in regulation 13 of the Regulations

Certification Authority means a person appointed as a self-containment certification authority under section 87C of the Act

Regulations means the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers (Self-Contained Vehicles) Regulations 2023

Vehicle Inspector means a motor vehicle inspector appointed by a self-containment certification authority under section 87T(1)

(2) Any term or expression that is defined in the Act or Regulations and used, but not defined, in this notice has the same meaning as in the Act or Regulations.

4. Purpose

The purpose of this notice is to set out requirements that provide for motor vehicle inspections to be carried out to a consistently high standard.

5. Requirements

(1) Before commencing an inspection, a Vehicle Inspector must inform the appointing Certification Authority of any interest the Vehicle Inspector has in the vehicle, for example, if the Vehicle Inspector owns the vehicle or has any interest in the owner of the vehicle.

(2) Clause 5(1) does not apply if the Vehicle Inspector has previously informed the appointing Certification Authority of the interest the Vehicle Inspector has in the vehicle and the Certification Authority has confirmed the Vehicle Inspector does not need to inform the Certification Authority of the Vehicle Inspector’s interest in the vehicle in relation to future inspections of that vehicle.

(3) A motor vehicle inspection must include:

  1. an inspection of the motor vehicle’s critical self-containment elements, which must, at a minimum, include inspection and verification of the matters contained in Schedule 1;
  2. an assessment as to whether, in the Vehicle Inspector’s view, the motor vehicle’s critical self-containment elements meet the requirements for self-containment prescribed in the Act and Regulations, and will continue to meet them for at least the period of certification; and
  3. provision of an accurate record of the inspection and assessment to the appointing Certification Authority, in a form approved by that Certification Authority, which contains, at a minimum, the information required to be recorded in Schedule 1.

(4) A Certification Authority must collect and store all completed records (or readable copies of those records) of the motor vehicle inspection and assessment for a period of at least the duration that the motor vehicle is certified for.

Explanatory Note

This note is for explanatory purposes only and does not form part of the notice.

The Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board (“Board”) is responsible for regulating the self-contained motor vehicles system established by Part 2A of the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Act 2006 (“Act”). This notice sets out the prescribed requirements relating to how motor vehicle inspections, arranged by self-containment certification authorities under section 87U(3) of the Act, must be carried out.

Schedule 1: Minimum inspection and record requirements

The minimum requirements for motor vehicle inspections, and what information must be recorded, is prescribed below.

Record of owner and vehicle details

1. Record:

a) Name of Vehicle Inspector

b) Whether the Vehicle Inspector has any interest in the vehicle, and if so, what

c) Name of vehicle owner

d) Address of vehicle owner

e) Contact details of vehicle owner

f) Name of person arranging inspection (if different to vehicle owner)

g) Address of person arranging inspection (if different to vehicle owner)

h) Contact details of person arranging inspection (if different to vehicle owner)

i) Type of vehicle

j) Make of vehicle

k) Year of vehicle

l) Registration number of vehicle (or, if the vehicle has no registration number, an equivalent unique identifying number e.g. VIN number, chassis and/or serial number)

m) The maximum number of occupants for which the vehicle can be certified

Water supply system (including water onloading)

2. Record:

a) The number and type of water supply tanks (i.e. fixed or portable)

b) The capacity of the water storage tanks (in litres)

c) A description of the material the water storage tanks are constructed from

d) A description of the water storage tank supports

e) Water inlet diameter (mm) (water onloading)

f) Water inlet seal type (water onloading)

g) Any additional information the Vehicle Inspector considers relevant to an assessment of the water supply system

3. Inspect and verify:

a) Water storage tanks are capped to avoid leaks from water movement

b) Water storage tanks are securely mounted, adequately supported, and secured

c) Water storage tanks are made of UV resistant materials OR stored in a way that avoids exposure to sunlight

d) Water storage tanks are located away from heating sources OR are sufficiently insulated to prevent bacteria growth

e) Water storage tanks are constructed in a way that allows air to enter the tank to displace water (i.e. vented)

f) Water supply system is capable of storing and reticulating water to the vehicle’s facilities

g) Water supply system is protected from contamination from external sources

h) Water supply system is installed in a sound and appropriate manner, including in a manner that avoids the likelihood of contamination within the system

i) Water supply pipes and fittings are made of an opaque material that is suitable for contact with potable water

j) Water supply system uses components that will not contaminate the water

k) Water reticulation pipes are fitted in a way that ensures they do not fail or leak at the system’s design pressure

l) The water supply system pipes water to sanitary fixtures and appliances at flow rates that are adequate for the correct functioning of those fixtures and appliances under normal conditions

m) Overall, the water supply system (including the water storage tank) is otherwise fit for purpose in that it has been:

  1. designed for the purpose or function of storing and reticulating potable water; and
  2. is installed and is being used in a way that ensures it remains functional for at least the period of certification

Fixed toilets

4. Record:

a) Toilet type (e.g. cassette type toilet, waterless toilet)

b) Toilet make and model

c) Toilet capacity (in litres)

d) Toilet materials

e) Fixing type/description

f) Ventilation type/description

g) Any additional information the Vehicle Inspector considers relevant to an assessment of the fixed toilet

5. Inspect and verify:

a) Toilet is useable within the vehicle

b) Toilet is permanently fixed to the vehicle

c) Base of the toilet is rigidly mounted in position

d) Base of the toilet does not require removal to empty human waste

e) Toilet drains or flushes directly into:

  1. a suitably designed and fitted blackwater tank; or
  2. a removable blackwater holding tank (being a removable cassette if the toilet is a cassette-type toilet, or a removable chamber if the toilet is a waterless toilet)

f) Toilet is made from suitable materials (including non-toxic, non-corrodible, and stable materials)

g) Toilet is installed in a sound and appropriate manner

h) Overall, the toilet is fit for purpose

Wastewater system (including water offloading)

6. Record:

a) Number and type of wastewater tanks (fixed or portable)

b) Capacity of the wastewater tanks (in litres)

c) Material the wastewater tanks are constructed of

d) Diameter of the wastewater pipes (mm)

e) Diameter of the vent outlet (mm)

f) Location of the vent outlet

g) A description of the wastewater tank supports

h) Wastewater outlet (mm) (if applicable)

i) Wastewater hose length (mm) (if applicable)

j) Isolating valve diameter (mm) (if applicable)

k) Wastewater discharge hose storage description (if applicable)

l) Any additional information the Vehicle Inspector considers relevant to an assessment of the wastewater system

7. Inspect and verify:

a) Wastewater tanks are capped to avoid leaks

b) Wastewater tanks are securely mounted

c) Wastewater system safely and reliably conveys wastewater from the vehicle’s facilities to storage tanks or vessels and stores the wastewater securely

d) Blackwater, including greywater if blackwater and greywater are combined, is stored in either removable cassettes that are compatible with the vehicle’s toilet OR one or more fixed tanks that have an isolating valve that allows the system to be safely emptied

e) Greywater, if stored separately from blackwater, is stored in either one or more fixed tanks that are connected to the vehicle OR one or more portable tanks that are connected to the vehicle

f) Wastewater system has drainage pipes that are of sufficient size, weathertightness, and gradient to allow for the effective and convenient egress of wastewater from any sinks, basins, and showers into greywater storage

g) Wastewater system is installed in a sound and appropriate manner, including appliances, fixtures, fittings, tanks and pipes are securely fixed or fastened

h) Wastewater system is made from suitable materials (including appliances, fixtures, fittings, tanks, pipe fittings and valves used in the wastewater system), and are non-toxic, non-corrodible, and stable

i) Pipes and hoses used for discharging wastewater are of sufficient size, strength, and durability for the clean, convenient, and safe discharge of wastewater (if applicable)

j) There is appropriate storage for the pipes and hoses used to discharge wastewater that minimises health risks associated with residual contaminants on the pipes and hoses (if applicable)

k) There are sufficient facilities for the safe and secure offloading of waste from a waterless toilet (if applicable)

l) Overall, the wastewater system (including the wastewater tank) is otherwise fit for purpose in that it has been:

  1. designed for the purpose or function of storing and discharging wastewater; and
  2. is installed and is being used in a way that ensures it remains functional for at least the period of certification

Ventilation system

8. Record:

a) Description of the ventilation system

b) Exterior outlet height and location

c) Means of limiting escape of foul air and noxious gases (e.g. water trap)

d) Any additional information the Vehicle Inspector considers relevant to an assessment of the ventilation system

9. Inspect and verify:

a) Ventilation system ensures unpleasant or unhealthy odours and foul air easily escape to the exterior of the vehicle

b) Wastewater storage tanks are vented directly to the exterior of the vehicle

c) Wastewater storage tank vent outlet:

  1. is installed at a height that safely prevents wastewater leakage;
  2. terminates outside the vehicle away from doors, windows, or openings; and
  3. is fitted with a means to prevent the entry of birds and vermin into the system

d) Ventilation system includes pipes connecting sanitary appliances and sanitary fixtures to wastewater storage tanks that are fitted with a means of limiting the escape of foul air and noxious gases from the tanks to the interior of the vehicle (e.g. water trap)

e) Ventilation system is made from suitable materials and installed in a sound and appropriate manner

f) Overall, the ventilation system is otherwise fit for purpose in that it has been:

  1. designed for the purpose or function of ventilating to ensure unpleasant or unhealthy odours and foul air can easily flow to the exterior of the vehicle; and
  2. is installed and is being used in a way that ensures it remains functional for at least the period of certification

Other facilities

10. Record:

a) Sink capacity (in litres)

b) Sink waste pipe diameter (mm)

c) Sink waste pipe length (mm)

d) Sink water seal type

e) Rubbish bin capacity (in litres)

f) Any additional information the Vehicle Inspector considers relevant to an assessment of the sink and rubbish bin

11. Inspect and verify:

a) Vehicle has secure rubbish storage

b) Vehicle has a sink that is installed safely and drains to the wastewater system’s tanks

c) Rubbish bin and sink are made from suitable materials and are installed in a sound and appropriate manner

d) Overall, rubbish bin and sink are otherwise fit for purpose in that they:

  1. are designed for the purpose or function they are being used for; and
  2. are installed and being used in a way that ensures they remain functional for at least the period of certification