Notice Title

Notification of Proposal to Make Amendments to the BuiltReady Scheme Rules

Publication Date
15 Nov 2023


Building Act Amendments Business, Innovation and Employment

Notice Number

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In accordance with sections 272ZG and 272ZH of the Building Act 2004, the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (“MBIE”), by way of delegated authority, hereby gives notice of her intent to propose the following amendments to the BuiltReady scheme rules. The proposed amendments include:

  • requirements for the use of the BuiltReady brand by different scheme participants
  • an insertion of Schedule 1: Use of the BuiltReady brand, which outlines the formatting requirements for its use
  • a requirement for registered manufacturers to use the MBIE manufacturer’s certificate template.

The purpose of the proposed rules is to provide clarity and consistency for scheme participants regarding the use of the BuiltReady brand, and manufacturer’s certificates, which will aid building consent authorities, builders, designers and consumers.

The BuiltReady scheme rules (the scheme rules) apply to the scheme parties, which are:

  • the MCM certification accreditation body (the accreditation body), an organisation appointed by MBIE to accredit certification bodies to the MCM scheme
  • MCM certification bodies (also referred to as MCMCBs), which are the third-party organisations that evaluate modular component manufacturers for certification
  • manufacturers of modular components (also referred to as MCMs) that hold current MCM certification.

It is proposed the new scheme rules will commence on 15 January 2024.

MBIE seeks written submissions on amendments to the proposed rules for the BuiltReady modular component manufacturer scheme.

Consultation will commence on 15 November 2023. Submissions must be made online or by email, post, or physical delivery by 5.00pm on 12 December 2023.

The consultation document, proposed scheme rules, and online submission form can be found at

Email submissions must be addressed to with subject line “BuiltReady consultation 2023”.

Postal submissions must be addressed to: “BuiltReady consultation 2023”, Building System Performance, Building Resources and Markets, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, PO Box 1473, Wellington 6140.

Dated at Wellington this 15th day of November 2023.

SARAH SINCLAIR, Manager, Building System Performance of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.