Notice Title

Notice Under the Social Security Act 2018

Publication Date
5 Sep 2023


Social Security Act Instruments Social Development

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Notice is given of the making of the following instrument by the Minister for Social Development and Employment.

Authority for Instrument

Title or Subject Matter

Date of Enactment

Social Security Act 2018, section 101

Flexi-wage Employment Assistance Amendment 2023

30 August 2023

A copy of the instrument is available for free at:

This instrument, which comes into force on 5 February 2024, amends the Flexi-wage Employment Assistance Programme established and approved on 9 February 2021 under section 101 of the Social Security Act 2018.

The amendment is the outcome of the Flexi-wage review, pursuant to clause 12 of the programme. The instrument amends the eligibility criteria to only allow applicants who do not meet the entry-level criteria for the relevant role to be eligible for assistance. It adds the words, “to an employer for each individual employee” to clause 9(2) to clarify that the limitation only applies to employers in respect of an individual, rather than the individual themselves. The instrument adjusts the subsidy amounts for Bands one and two and allows the subsidies to be paid in variable amounts, equalling the total new subsidy amounts. Finally, the instrument increases the maximum amount of assistance for short-term training from $1,000 to $2,000.

The instrument is secondary legislation and is administered by the Ministry of Social Development.

Dated this 5th day of September 2023.

Hon CARMEL SEPULONI, Minister for Social Development and Employment.