Notice Type
Secondary Legislation
Notice Title

Notice of Issue of the Code of Conduct for State School Board Members

Issued by the Minister of Education under section 166 of the Education and Training Act 2020 to apply to members of State school boards.

Individual boards of schools/kura can decide to expand the minimum standards in this code to protect the special character/ different character/ principles of Te Aho Matua and any special characteristics of the school or its community.

Acting to Achieve our Objectives

The purpose of all school boards is to govern the school. As board members, we share the common objectives, as outlined in section 127 of the Education and Training Act 2020, including ensuring the school gives effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. These objectives are not achieved alone, but in partnership with parents/caregivers, whānau, iwi, hapū, communities, and students/ākonga.

We act and behave in a manner that demonstrates and promotes these common objectives.

1. I act with integrity

I act with high standards of professional and personal integrity, including being honest, open, transparent, and trustworthy.

2. I am culturally responsive and fair

I do not act or advocate in a way that discriminates against, nor act in a way that unjustifiably favours, particular individuals, groups, identities or interests.

3. I actively promote a safe school environment

I speak up when I see unethical behaviour. I treat all concerns raised seriously. I encourage an open culture where all staff, communities and students feel safe speaking up.

4. I am respectful of my fellow board members and act consistently with the designated or special character of my school

I follow the board’s policies and procedures. I work with my fellow board members in a respectful way, even when we disagree. If I am a board member of a designated character school or state-integrated school I act consistently with the school’s character. I act consistently with Te Aho Matua where the school is a Kura Kaupapa Māori Te Aho Matua.

5. I respect the process of collective decision-making

I recognise that only a member authorised by the board to do so may speak on behalf of the board. I do not act independently of the board’s decisions.

6. I treat school staff, students and members of the school community with respect

I treat the principal, staff, students, and school volunteers, and members of the school community with courtesy and respect.

7. I take responsibility for ongoing development in my role

I make myself available to undertake appropriate professional development, including a focus on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and good governance.

8. I engage with our community in sensitive and appropriate ways

I work with my fellow board members to authentically engage with all people in our school community, including whānau, local Māori communities, iwi and hapū, fairly, impartially, promptly, and sensitively to help inform the decisions we make.

9. I speak up for all students

I put students’ wellbeing, progress and achievement first and foremost, unaffected by my personal beliefs or interests.

10. I come prepared

I come to board meetings prepared to fully participate in decision-making.

11. I use my position responsibly

I maintain confidentiality when I receive non-public information gained in the course of my duties and use it only for its intended purpose. I publicly represent the school in a positive manner and do not publicly disclose information that may be harmful to the school. I do not pursue my own interests at the expense of the school or community’s interests.

12. I do not seek gifts or favours

I follow our board policy procedures in relation to any offers of gifts or hospitality. I never seek gifts, hospitality or favours for myself, members of my family or other close associates.

13. I am politically impartial in my role as a board member

I do not endorse or campaign for a political party or candidate in my capacity as a school board member.

14. I meet statutory and administrative requirements

I act in accordance with all statutory and administrative requirements relevant to the role of the school board (including as an employer) and will seek guidance and support if and where required.

15. I identify and manage conflicts of interest

I identify, disclose, manage and regularly review all interests. I become familiar with, and follow, all conflicts of interest requirements, including those of the board, the school, and all statutory requirements.

The code of conduct takes effect on Wednesday 21 June 2023.

Hon JAN TINETTI, Minister of Education.