Notice Title

Notice of Intention to Correct Register

Publication Date
31 Aug 2023


Companies Act Intention to correct Register of Companies

Notice Number

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I intend to rectify the New Zealand Register of Companies in terms of section 360A(1)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 in relation to the following companies on the application of the following persons, by deleting incorrect documents as noted below and otherwise adjusting the Register.

ANTIPODES WELLNESS AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED (8386532) – to remove the Particulars of Director dated 22 August 2023. The effect being Zoran Barbalich remains a director.

(Application by Helena Weir)

VIC TINA TRUSTEES LIMITED (8482676) – rectification shall comprise of the following:

  1. Remove the Particulars of Director dated 8 August 2023.
  2. Submit and amended annual return for 2023.

The effect being Alan Tong remains a director.

(Application by Alan K. Tong and Associates)

Any person who wishes to object must do so by 28 September 2023 being not less than 20 working days after the date of this notice.

Dated this 31st day of August 2023.

SANJAI RAJ, Registrar of Companies.

Contact for Inquiries: 0508 COMPANIES (0508 266 726).

Postal Address for Written Objections: The Registrar of Companies, Private Bag 92061, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142.

Email Address for Written Objections: