Notice Title

Notice of Intention to Correct Register

Publication Date
15 Jun 2023


Companies Act Intention to correct Register of Companies

Notice Number

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I intend to rectify the New Zealand Register of Companies in terms of section 360A(1)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 in relation to the following companies on the application of the following persons, by deleting incorrect documents as noted below and otherwise adjusting the Register.

EARTHMOVERS LIMITED (86236) – rectification shall comprise of the following:

  1. To remove the two Particulars of Director dated 7 May 2023. The effect being Charles Joseph Wedding and Ian Harold Wedding remained directors.
  2. To remove the Particulars of Shareholding dated 7 May 2023. The effect being Charles Joseph Wedding remain a shareholder of 207125 shares and Garry Paul Wedding remain a shareholder of 207125 shares.
  3. To remove the Particulars of Company Address dated 7 May 2023. The effect being the Registered Office Address and the Address for Service remain to be “The Advisory Group Ltd, Level 9, 55 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010.”

HUNTLY QUARRIES LIMITED (190463) – rectification shall comprise of the following:

  1. To remove the two Particulars of Director dated 7 May 2023. The effect being Charles Joseph Wedding and Ian Harold Wedding remained directors.
  2. To remove the Particulars of Company Address dated 7 May 2023. The effect being the Registered Office Address and the Address for Service remain to be “The Advisory Group Ltd, Level 9, 55 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010.”
  3. To remove the Particulars of Shareholding dated 7 May 2023. The effect being GREENHILL HOLDINGS LIMITED remain a shareholder of 900 shares, Maurice Desmond Hayes remains a shareholder of 50 shares, Garry Paul Wedding remain a shareholder of 25 shares, and Charles Joseph Wedding remains a shareholder of 25 shares.

I H WEDDING & SONS LIMITED (75552) – rectification shall comprise of the following:

  1. To remove the two Particulars of Director dated 7 May 2023. The effect being Charles Joseph Wedding and Ian Harold Wedding remained directors.
  2. To remove the Particulars of Shareholding dated 7 May 2023. The effect being Charles Joseph Wedding remain a shareholder of 100000 shares and Garry Paul Wedding remain a shareholder of 100000 shares.
  3. To remove the Particulars of Company Address dated 7 May 2023. The effect being the Registered Office Address and the Address for Service remain to be “250 Oruarangi Road, Mangere, Auckland 2022.”

SUPREME TRANSPORT LIMITED (75577) – rectification shall comprise of the following:

  1. To remove the two Particulars of Director dated 7 May 2023. The effect being Charles Joseph Wedding and Ian Harold Wedding remained directors.
  2. To remove the Particulars of Shareholding dated 7 May 2023. The effect being Charles Joseph Wedding remain a shareholder of 207125 shares and Garry Paul Wedding remain a shareholder of 207125 shares.
  3. To remove the Particulars of Company Address dated 7 May 2023. The effect being the Registered Office Address and the Address for Service remain to be “The Advisory Group Ltd, Level 9, 55 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010.”

(Application by Jake Tyler Wedding)

Any person who wishes to object must do so by 13 July 2023 being not less than 20 working days after the date of this notice.

Dated this 15th day of June 2023.

SANJAI RAJ, Registrar of Companies.

Contact for Inquiries: 0508 COMPANIES (0508 266 726).

Postal Address for Written Objections: The Registrar of Companies, Private Bag 92061, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142.

Email Address for Written Objections: