John Howard Ross Fisk and Richard John Nacey, Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, were appointed joint liquidators of RUAPEHU ALPINE LIFTS LIMITED by the High Court at Auckland on 21 June 2023.
A creditor meeting is to be held by postal ballot, including by electronic means. Any creditor may cast a postal vote on all or any of the matters to be voted on by sending a completed voting form (including by email or by using the online voting platform provided by Link Markets Services) to the following person who is authorised to receive and count postal votes:
RUAPEHU ALPINE LIFTS LIMITED (in liquidation), c/- PwC, 15 Customs Street West, Private Bag 92162, Auckland 1142. Attention: Chris Whiteside. Email:
To be valid, votes will be required to be received by Chris Whiteside by no later than 11.00am on Monday, 31 July 2023. The liquidators and Chris Whiteside consent to votes being sent in electronic form (i) to the above email address or (ii) by using the online voting platform provided by Link Markets Services.
The business to be transacted at the meeting is:
The following resolutions will be submitted to the meeting.
Resolution A:
It is resolved that the appointment of John Howard Ross Fisk and Richard John Nacey as liquidators of the company be confirmed.
Resolution B:
It is resolved that, subject to meeting the minimum threshold by number of members, a liquidation committee be appointed in respect of the company to act with the liquidators, comprising the seven nominees for membership of the liquidation committee (“nominees”) which receive the most votes (or, if less than seven nominees receive votes, the nominees which receive votes).
Dated this 21st day of July 2023.
RICHARD NACEY, Liquidator.