Notice Type
Meetings/Last Dates for Debts & Claims
Notice Title

RUAPEHU ALPINE LIFTS LIMITED (administrators appointed)

Publication Date
9 Jun 2023


Companies Act Administrations

Notice Number

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Notice of Watershed Meeting of Creditors to Decide the Company’s Future

Pursuant to Section 239AU(1)(a) of the Companies Act 1993

Notice is given that:

1. The watershed meeting of the creditors of the company to decide the company’s future will be held on Tuesday 20 June 2023 at 11.00am. The meeting will be heard concurrently at the following locations:

  • Ōrākei Bay - 231 Ōrākei Road, Remuera, Auckland 1050
  • Wharewaka Function Centre - Level 1, 2 Taranaki Street, Taranaki Wharf, Wellington 6011
  • Powderhorn Chateau - 194 Mangawhero Terrace (Bottom of Mountain Road), Ohakune 4625

2. The business to be dealt with at the watershed meeting is to consider whether:

  1. the company should execute a deed of company arrangement; or
  2. the administration should come to an end; or
  3. the company should be placed in liquidation.

3. Creditors may exercise their right to vote by being present in person, electronically, or by appointing a proxy or by postal vote. Further information will be provided by email to all known creditors on or before 13 June 2023. Postal votes, which must be received no later than 11.00am, Sunday 18 June 2023 and should be sent by email to or by post to: RUAPEHU ALPINE LIFTS LIMITED (administrators appointed), c/- PwC, Private Bag 92162, Auckland 1010. Attention: Chris Whiteside or by facsimile to: (09) 355 8001.

Dated this 8th day of June 2023.

RICHARD NACEY, Administrator.