Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act 2017 Notice

Notice is given under section 173(1) of the Land Transfer Act 2017 of the following application to bring land under the Act and issue a record of title for it made under section 172(1)(b) of the Act.

Application 11945014.1 by Wai-iti Hops Limited, c/- Duncan Cotterill Solicitors, 197 Bridge Street (PO Box 827), Nelson 7040, for land at 18c Wakefield-Kohatu Highway, Wakefield being an estate in fee simple in 5803 square metres more or less being Lot 1 on LT 556047 in the Nelson Land Registration District and being Part Section VII and Part Section VIIA Waimea South District which is part of Deeds Index Volume 1 Folio 102 and Volume 4 Folio 699 respectively, owned by Edward Baigent. The applicant claims they are entitled to the land by adverse possession since 3 April 1969.

A person specified in section 174(1) of the Act may lodge a caveat under that section to prevent the application from being granted before 7 February 2024. If no caveats are lodged, a record of title will be issued in the name of the applicant.

Information about how to contact Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand with enquiries about this notice is found at

Dated at Hamilton this 1st day of December 2023.

L. BARON, for the Registrar-General of Land.