Notice Title

Notice Pursuant to Section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017

Publication Date
25 Aug 2023


Land Transfer Act Land Registrar notices Hastings

Notice Number

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An application under section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 has been received for the removal of an easement. The applicant claims the easement is extinguished by reason of the circumstances set out below.

If no objections have been received before 22 September 2023, the register will be updated to record the easement as redundant.

Application Number: 12592994.1

Applicants: Tumu Properties Limited and Hastings District Council, PO Box 41, Napier 4140.

Easement: Drainage and ancillary rights over part Lot 1 DP 577266 marked A on DP 577266 in Record of Title 1065283 owned by Tumu Properties Limited and over Part Lot 9 DP 14609 in Record of Title HBM4/1392 owned by Hastings District Council for the benefit of Lot 3 DP 8081 and Lot 3 DP 13776 in Records of Title HBA1/1241 and HBF3/474 owned by Aristotle Holdings Limited, Part Lot 2 DP 8081 in Record of Title HBL2/538 owned by Christopher John Macmillan, Lots 4 and 5 DP 8081 in Records of Title HB136/227 and HB162/49 owned by E+O Healthcare Properties Fund LP, Part Lot 2 DP 8081 in Record of Title HBL2/539 owned by Fengling Liu and Patrick John Campbell, Lot 1 DP 13776 in Record of Title HBF3/472 owned by Janet Mary Stevenson, Paul Maurice Stevenson, Lot 6 DP 13776 and Lot 1 DP 13847 in Records of Title HBF3/475 and HBG1/199 owned by Lowmac Properties Limited, Lot 1 DP 9556 in Record of Title HB163/86 owned by Rosewater (2016) Limited, Lot 2 DP 13776 in Record of Title HBF3/473 owned by Shirley Frances Lobb, Lot 3 DP 17580 in Records of Title HBL3/458 and HBL3/459 owned by Tuscany Property Trustees Limited and Lots 1 and 2 DP 7591 and Lot 4 DP 17580 in Record of Title HB121/237, HB121/260 and HBK2/382 owned by Wallace Property Company Limited and Lot 10 DP 14609 and Lot 3 DP 13847 owned by Hastings District Council created by Transfer 68506.

Circumstances: The easement is extinguished because it is redundant as the benefited land no longer adjoins the burdened land because of subdivision on DP 8081 and as a result, the easement has no practical effect.

Dated this 22nd day of August 2023.

AUDREY WONG, for Registrar-General of Land.