Notice Pursuant to Section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017
The applicant described below has applied under section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 for the removal of a right of way at North Auckland. The applicant claims the right of way is redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below.
I intend to remove the right of way on 18 September 2023 if no objections have been received before that date. You may object by giving notice to the Registrar-General of Land by 18 September 2023.
Application Number: 12600590.3
Applicants: Brian Thomas Meikle and Richard Holmes Blackwood as executors of the estate of Ronald Edward Meikle, 1700 Awhitu Road, RD 4, Waiuku 2684.
Easement: Right of way easement over Lot 1 Deposited Plan (DP) 468483 marked E on DP 468483 in Record of Title (RT) 628799 owned by Ronald Edward Meikle for the benefit of Lot 1 DP 348323 in RT 198355 owned by MJ and RN Harley, Lot 1 DP 384612 in RT 338282 owned by A Gleeson, Lot 2 DP 384612 in RT 338283 owned by Franklin Trustee Services (2018) Limited and RG Burns, Lot 1, 6 DP 373760 in RT 297817 owned by JA Hinton, Lot 2 DP 373760 in RT 297818 and Lot 8 DP 8292 in RT NA433/209 owned by ER and MG Muir, Lot 4 DP 8292 in RT NA395/186 owned by WJ Craig, Lot 1 DP 168681 in RT NA102C/629 owned by RM and ST Everitt, Lot 1 DP 198676 in RT NA127C/471 owned by AL and SW Harper, Lot 1 DP 42077 in RT NA1149/5, Lot 2 DP 198676 in RT NA127C/472, Lot 3 DP 198676 in RT NA127C/473, Lot 4 DP 198676 in RT NA127C/474, Lot 5 DP 198676 in RT NA127C/475, Lot 6 DP 198677 in RT NA127C/476, Lot 7 DP 198677 in RT NA127C/477 and Lot 8 DP 198677 in RT NA127C/478 owned by DE Akast, RM and TW Harper, Lots 6-7 DP 164129 in RT NA98D/853 owned by BR Bostic and DE Williams, Lot 1 DP 114322 in RT NA65A/441 owned by DE Akast, Lot 1 DP 446334 in RT 562159 owned by GR and SA Beaumont, Lot 2 DP 446334 in RT 562160 owned by AJ and SB Maxwell, Lot 2 DP 444172 in RT 556908 owned by PN Humphrey, Lot 1 DP 444172 in RT 556907 owned by MRK Lee-De Lacey and RR De Lacey, Lot 2 DP 575691 and Lot 1 DP 13569 in RT 1057144 owned by R & IM Norbis Limited, Lot 2 DP 512160 in RT 787965 owned by MP Bell, SL and VC Heeringa, Lot 4 DP 129913 in RT NA76A/808 owned by TJ Kirk, Lot 3 DP 129913 in RT NA76A/807 owned by NS Carlyon and SA Lorenzen, Lot 2 DP 129913 in RT NA76A/806 owned by JW and L Stewart, Lot 3 DP 476702 in RT 659418 owned by KS Pun and RCH Hudson, and Lot 1 DP 476702 in RT 659417 owned by CP Matthews and J Wyndham-Baker created by Transfer and Grant of Easement 73197 registered on date 27 May 1913.
Circumstances: The easement is extinguished because it is redundant as the benefited land no longer adjoins the burdened land and as a result the easement has no practical effect.
Dated at Land Information New Zealand, Christchurch this 21st day of August 2023.
C. POP, for Registrar-General of Land.