Notice Title

Application to Record Extinguishment of Profit à Prendre on Occurrence of Event at Whangarei

Publication Date
24 Jul 2023


Land Transfer Act Land Registrar notices North Auckland

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Notice is given under section 114(5) of the Land Transfer Act 2017 of an application to record the extinguishment of a profit à prendre on the occurrence of an event. The applicants claim the forestry right profit à prendre is extinguished on the grounds set out below.

Land District: North Auckland

Application Number: 12498858.1

Applicant: Nahi Limited, by Ignaz Benedikt Kraehenmann as Director, c/- 922 Pataua North Road, Whangarei 0175

Profit à prendre: Forestry Right over Lot 2 DP 425264 in Record of Title 499610 owned by Nahi Limited for the benefit of grantees in gross Ross Alexander Patrick, Camilla Janet Sanson and Robert Bruce Sanson created by Agreement 5313340.1 registered on 13 August 2002.

Grounds: The Forestry Right is extinguished due to an event specified in the document creating it, being that the trees subject to the Forestry Right have all been harvested which bought the Forestry Right to an end.

If no objections have been received before Thursday 17 August 2023, the register will be updated to record the Forestry Right as extinguished.

Objections in writing may be provided to Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.


Post: Private Bag 4721, Christchurch 8140 or Private Bag 3028, Hamilton 3240 or DX GX10069.

For enquires about this notice phone 0800 665 463.

Dated at Hamilton this 13th day of July 2023.

C. GARDINER, for the Registrar-General of Land.