Notice Pursuant to Section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017
The applicant described below has applied under section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 for the removal of an Easement at North Auckland. The applicant claims the easement described below is redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below.
You may object by giving notice to the Registrar-General of Land. I intend to remove the Easement on 7 August 2023 if no objections have been received before that date.
Application Number: 12682709.1
Applicant: WFH Properties Limited, c/- Mortlock McCormack Law, PO 13474, Christchurch 8141.
Easement: Right of way, right to convey electric power and telephonic communications over Lot 9000 DP 537959 marked R on DP 537959 (originally marked A on DP 135875) in Record of Title (“RT”) 1054325 (“Burdened Land”) owned by WFH Properties Limited, originally granted Lot 1 DP 135875 RT NA80A/619, Lot 2 DP 135875 RT NA80A/620, Lot 3 DP 105978 RT NA59A/969, Lot 4 DP 105978 RT NA59A/970, Lot 7 DP 105978 RT NA59A/971, Allotments 305, 307, 325, 642 and 643 Parish of Waiwera being the residue of RT NA54D/1351, Allotment 618 Parish of Waiwera being the residue of RT NA19A/352, Allotments 619 and 620 Parish of Waiwera being the residue of RT NA19D/1118 and Part Allotment 67 Parish of Waiwera RT NA764/100 (“Benefiting Land”) owned by John Halliday Hall and Kathleen Ellen Hall in Easement Certificate C112879.5 registered on 5 March 1990.
Circumstances: The benefited land no longer adjoins the burdened land as a result of subdivisions shown on plans SO 69031, SO 69018, SO 69611, DP 197353, DP 197354, SO 308135, SO 537746 and DP 537959 and as a result the easement has no practical effect.
Dated at Land Information New Zealand, Christchurch this 7th day of July 2023.
C. M. SHANNON, for Registrar General of Land.