Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Land Transfer Act 2017 Notice

Notice is given under section 161(1) of the Land Transfer Act 2017 of the following application for a record of title based on adverse possession made under section 155 of the Act.

Application 12518369.1 by David Lennox McFarlane, c/- Jane Fletcher, Downie Stewart Level 8, 265 Princes Street Dunedin 9016, PO Box 1345 Dunedin 9054 for land at 1 Cleghorn Street, RD 2, Waitati being 0.3493 hectares, more or less, and being Lot 1 LT 573776 in Record of Title OT7/59 and OT7/60 in the Otago Land Registration District owned by William James Mudie Larnach and Alexander Bartleman respectively. The applicant claims to have been in continuous and undisputed possession of the land for 25 years.

A person claiming an estate or interest in the land described may lodge a caveat under section 162 of the Act to prevent the application from being granted before 18 September 2023. If no caveats are lodged, the record of title will be issued and existing estates and interests extinguished.

Information about how to contact Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand with enquiries about this notice is found at

Dated at Hamilton this 24th day of June 2023.

L. BARON, for the Registrar-General of Land.