Land Set Apart for Education Purposes—(Closed) Linton Country School, 77 Akers Road, Linton, Palmerston North
Pursuant to section 52(1) of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Szi Ming Lee, Land Information New Zealand, declares that the land described in the Schedule to this notice is to be set apart for the purposes of a school site and shall be vested in the Crown on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette.
Area ha |
Description |
1.8963 | Lots 66 – 73 DP 320 (Record of Title WN550/42) |
Dated at Wellington this 11th day of July 2023.
SZI MING LEE, for the Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CPC/2023/22808)