Notice Title

Declaration that Land is a Local Purpose Reserve to Form Part of Hickford Park

Publication Date
4 Jul 2023


Reserves Act Land notices New Plymouth

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Under section 14 of the Reserves Act 1977, pursuant to a resolution dated 13 June 2023 and acting under a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the New Plymouth District Council declares the land described in the Schedule as a local purpose (protection of cultural and environmental values) reserve, to form part of Hickford Park Recreation Reserve administered by the Council as the administering body, and pursuant to section 16(2) of the Act is deemed to be classified for that purpose, subject to the provisions of the Act.

Taranaki Land District—New Plymouth District


2.1950 Lot 4 DP 534197 and Lot 15 DP 21080 (all Record of Title 881840)

Dated at New Plymouth this 27th day of July 2023.

GARETH GREEN, Principal Administrative Officer, New Plymouth District Council.

(NPDC ID 9908)