Notice Title

Notice of Extension of Local Transition Period

Pursuant to section 94D of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, I, Glyn Lewers, extend the local transition period over Queenstown, within the Otago CDEM Group Area, owing to the ongoing need to mitigate, manage, monitor and assess the safety on the Ben Lomond Reserve, adjoining reserves, public interface and leaseholder areas impacted by the 22 September 2023 weather event.

This extension of the transition period:

  1. comes into force immediately before 3.00pm on 21 October 2023, which is when the current transition period ends;
  2. is in force for 28 days; and
  3. ends at 3.00pm on 18 November 2023, unless terminated or further extended earlier.

Signed by: Glyn Lewers, Mayor of territorial authority responsible for the area.

Time and Date of Notice: 11.00am on 20 October 2023.